
Garden Diary - March 2017

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Winter Chat Room at Linden Hill Gardens
Saturday, 4 March 2017

The weather has turned wintery again. So the invitation to visit the greenhouse at Linden Hill Gardens across the river in Pennsylvania and get a taste of spring sure sounded appealing. Socialize with fellow plant enthusiasts,talk with Jerry to discover what he has planned for 2017, and discover the new plants he is excited about at Linden Hill. Better yet, it is a free event and registration is not required. So off I go, over the river, through the woods, to arrive by 10:00 a.m. Several cars already parked, one drives in ahead of me, a couple more after. Altogether there are about 20 people in the audience. The closest was 18 minutes away, the furthest over an hour.

There's a nice area set up in the greenhouse, even decorated
with a sort of shabby / chic style. Some old doors as a screen
for the rest of the greenhouse, and a vase of giant pussy willow.

An old chest with flaking paint, and a hellebore in a hanging basket.

A table of refreshments: pots of coffee and a coffee cake.

Jerry welcomes everyone. Starts with mention of what's going on at Linden Hill. New staff, including Jerry's son, a recent graduate of Delaware Valley Horticultural College. The landscaping side of the business has gotten so busy that the retail nursery will only be open on Saturday and Sunday. Changes to the display gardens - for example they're removing the deer resistant display garden that's a bit of a hike from the rest of the place.

These more mature hellebores were dug from there, potted up for sale.

It's so nice to see hellebores and pansies this early in March.

There's a handout for us, listing the trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials Jerry will be mentioning. They'll be for sale, as the season advances, some in very limited quantities: only two each of Cornus kousa 'Greensleeves', Stewartia monodelpha, Magnolia 'Coral Lake'. Interesting shrubs such as Sambucus racemosa 'Lemony Lace' with "shocking" yellow, very fine textured foliage. Nepeta and perovskia and veronica and baptisia and more.

Multiple flats of pansies, staged on a stepladder.

They can be yours . . .

There will be a hellebore festival here, the first weekend in April, both Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Saturday there's also a Springfair in the big stone barn with artisan crafts and food vendors. And by then the weather should be warmer too!

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